
Showing posts from May, 2024

Unit2: Descriptive essay

 Topic: A food that I dislike😐🍛         There are several foods that I don’t like, but today I will share one of my food which I dislike the most to all of you. A food that I don’t like to eat is spicy pungent sauce, or we can call it in Khmer "Teik Krueng”. Everyone in my family seemed to be enjoy eating this food, except for me. Not only my family, but my friends also like this food. So I always clash with their idea when we talk about our favorite food. But I don't care much about that because I know that every person has different preference and we tried to give our reasons why we like or don't like that food. However, here are some reasons why I don’t like to eat this kind of food.       Of course, “ Teik Krueng” is one of a bad food of mine. My mum always makes this food for lunch or sometimes dinner. One day as I remembered, I was so tired and hungry from my study and I expected my mum will make my favorite food when I’m back home. Unfortunately, she made Teik Kru