Unit 5: Opinion Essay

 Topic: Positive impacts and negative consequences of Online class ๐Ÿ“–

        Throwback to four years ago, around January 2020, there was a COVID 19 pandemic spread in wide world. As we can see, there were millions of people have been infected and died due to this pandemic. Moreover, all schools have been closed. However, online class was one part of helping students to study during COVID 19 pandemic. Thus, I will share three advantages and disadvantages of online class.

        Obviously, online class is an important tool for students. These are the three advantages of online class. First, it helps students to improve their technical skills. As we know, the technology is very modern from day by day. There are many platforms that we can take online class. For example, students study online through Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Team, and many more. Not only that, they can also do their assignment and submit to their teacher through online. Second, it’s convenient for students. They can attend the class anytime and anywhere they want to. Especially, for those who are shy, so it’s very convenient for them. For instance, students can attend the class at home, coffee shop or wherever they want with the internet connection . Additionally, they can also do something, such as eating, talking or gossiping ๐Ÿ˜‚ during their class. Third, online class also helps us to save money and time for transportation. Mostly, students like to take their online class at home, so that they don’t need to pay for gasoline and something else. 

        Nevertheless, even though online class offers a lot of benefits to us, it also affects people. These are disadvantages of online class. First, it decrease of face to face communication. Of course, students tend to spend much time on the screen rather than face to face. So they don't care much about the others, they just focus on their screen. This is the way that online class decrease face to face interact. Furthermore, it affects people's health. In fact, students spend to much time on the screen based on their schedules. It's not good for their health. It can cause eyes strain, and feel head aches. Sometime, they don't want to eat something and can't get enough sleep. Last but not least, Internet connection issue. Sometime internet get slow depends on the region. It's a challenging time for students when they want to submit their assignments and take exam online. If their internet got stuck, they couldn't submit their tasks on time. So make sure they can find the good place that can connect with the Internet.

        To sum up, online class have changed people's life during difficult situation, like pandemic. It helps students to get knowledge about technical skills, feel comfortable, and save people's time and money. Imagine that if we don't have online class, what should we do during COVID 19 pandemic. However, it also offers the negative consequences, such as decrease face to face communication, health issues, and Internet connection. In my opinion, online class plays as a significant role for students. Even though COVID 19 has already gone, we still can study online for anytime and anywhere we want.


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