Unit 6: Cause and effect essays

 Topic: What are your own motivations to study?๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’œ

        Have you ever faced challenging with your study? And what lead you to overcome those challenging ? I bet all of you guys here have faced those challenging, including me. Although we were  struggle with our study, we never give up; We still keep going. For me, I have my own motivation that push me to study. Here are several tips that motivate me to study.

        First, setting goals. It’s a useful tip. It helps me to know what I really want to be in the future or what grade that I want to get. Last time, I’ve never set my goals. I just go to school and do what teachers assigned me to do, but I’ve never known what I want to be in my future. And now I just realized that setting a clear goals is very important to me. Second, setting up my study plans. This is also important. As we know, there are many subjects that we have to study, so there are so many assignments as well. It’s gonna be stressful if we don’t set up our study plans. As my experience, I set my study schedule. It’s easy for me to manage my time to working on it. Third, asking someone for help. Of course, when I don’t understand the lesson, I always ask my teachers and my friends to help explain the lesson to me. Don’t be shy ๐Ÿ™ˆ to ask someone for help. Always be humble. You’re gonna gain more knowledge and good advice from them. Last but not least, practice is the most important tip among those three. The more I practice, the better I become. Besides explanation from teacher, I always practice more at home about the lesson that teacher already taught and some exercises they gave. I did it again and again until I got used to it. So practice and practice, then you will get the clear point of the lesson. 

        To sum up, these several tips lead me to get good results with my study, such as setting a clear goal, setting up my study plan, asking someone for advice and practicing. My only suggestion to all of you is that try hard and practice more. Don’t feel complicated for the first day of the lesson because our brain isn’t computer. It takes time to study. No matter the results good or bad, just try hard first. Your work hard will pay you off one day.

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