
Unit 6: Cause and effect essays

 Topic : What are your own motivations to study?๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’œ           Have you ever faced challenging with your study? And what lead you to overcome those challenging ? I bet all of you guys here have faced those challenging, including me. Although we were  struggle with our study, we never give up; We still keep going. For me, I have my own motivation that push me to study. Here are several tips that motivate me to study.           First, setting goals. It’s a useful tip. It helps me to know what I really want to be in the future or what grade that I want to get. Last time, I’ve never set my goals. I just go to school and do what teachers assigned me to do, but I’ve never known what I want to be in my future. And now I just realized that setting a clear goals is very important to me. Second, setting up my study plans. This is also important. As we know, there are many subjects that we have to study, so there are so many assignments as well. It’s gonna be stressful if we don’t set up our stud

Unit 5: Opinion Essay

  Topic : Positive impacts and negative consequences of Online class ๐Ÿ“–           Throwback to four years ago, around January 2020, there was a COVID 19 pandemic spread in wide world. As we can see, there were millions of people have been infected and died due to this pandemic. Moreover, all schools have been closed. However, online class was one part of helping students to study during COVID 19 pandemic. Thus, I will share three advantages and disadvantages of online class.           Obviously, online class is an important tool for students. These are the three advantages of online class. First, it helps students to improve their technical skills. As we know, the technology is very modern from day by day. There are many platforms that we can take online class. For example, students study online through Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Team, and many more. Not only that, they can also do their assignment and submit to their teacher through online. Second, it’s convenient for students. They

Unit 4: Comparison essay

Topic: The similarities and differences between Phnom Khiev and Phnom Kulen ๐ŸŒ„๐ŸŒณ           There are many interesting places that  I have ever visited in Cambodia. Though, I just want to share you guys only two interesting places, which are called Phnom Kheiv and Phnom Kulen. Well, when you heard about these two mountains, you might think they are quite different, but they also have similar points. So let’s see the similarities and differences between Phnom Kheiv and Phnom kulen.           These are some similarities between Phnom Kheiv and Phnom Kulen. As we can see, both have waterfalls. People can go there to enjoy swimming waterfalls and seeing great nature. Moreover, both offer great nature and best view. People can also take pictures with the best view of waterfalls and nature. I was very addicted of taking pictures when I was there.๐Ÿ˜† There are not so many similarities of Phnom Kheiv and Phnom Kulen to show you guys. So let’s see how many differences then.           Beside simil

Unit3: Narrative essay

My experience of growing Marigold๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒฟ      When I was a kid, I used to grow the flower, which was the thing that I really like to do in my free time. Of course, I’m a person who really like the flowers because it looks so beautiful and when I looked at the flowers, I feel good and fresh. I mostly grow it in front of my house. So today I would like to share you guys about the ways I grow the flowers. Here are several steps to grow the flower.       Of course, there are many kinds of flowers that I know, but some kinds of them I don’t know how to grow it. However, the flower that I tea enjoy growing the most is marigold. The reason why I chose to grow marigold because it’s easy to grow and it grew quickly. Moreover, I like the color of it and it’s beautiful. These are several steps to grow marigold. First, I dug the soil in front of my house. Second, I poured a little water on the soil that I already dug. Third, I took the seed of marigold and then I dropped those seed on the soil. Then

Unit2: Descriptive essay

 Topic: A food that I dislike๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ›         There are several foods that I don’t like, but today I will share one of my food which I dislike the most to all of you. A food that I don’t like to eat is spicy pungent sauce, or we can call it in Khmer "Teik Krueng”. Everyone in my family seemed to be enjoy eating this food, except for me. Not only my family, but my friends also like this food. So I always clash with their idea when we talk about our favorite food. But I don't care much about that because I know that every person has different preference and we tried to give our reasons why we like or don't like that food. However, here are some reasons why I don’t like to eat this kind of food.       Of course, “ Teik Krueng” is one of a bad food of mine. My mum always makes this food for lunch or sometimes dinner. One day as I remembered, I was so tired and hungry from my study and I expected my mum will make my favorite food when I’m back home. Unfortunately, she made Teik Kru